I sips tea… when you listen to respond not putting forth the effort to understand what I have to say.
I sips tea…when you raise your voice as if being louder make your point more valid than mine.
I cross my legs and sips tea… when you speak over me trying to silence my voice because you are threatened by my brilliance.
I sips tea… staring at you and wondering what part of me was broken to the point that I thought fixing you was my responsibility.
I sips tea…. and more tea… realizing how much I miss me!
I sips tea… eyes searching the room for what duffle bag to use…
Not the army green, I love the way it match my shoes.
Definitely not the LV, it goes fabulous with my shades when the sun kisses my face.
Yeah, that one, the rustic brown and distressed… That’s it, that’s the one that reminds me of you.
I sips tea… as I pack the bag full of your belongs. Wow! You’re so
self-engulfed you don’t see me move. smh
Back in the chair and sipping tea.
Waiting for your monologue to be done.
I sips tea… as I slowly and gently remove my key from your ring.
I sips tea… feeling myself slowly come to!
I sips tea… as I look at you and say “We Are Through!”
Your bag has been packed;
Your key has been removed;
I wish you the best at being you.
I sips tea in the mirror and give myself a smile…
Finally, you are ready to focus on yourself!